Why do I contribute to open source

Posted on Fri 23 August 2024 in FOSS • Tagged with python, FOSS, oceanography, science, motivation, opinion

My motivations for writing open source software

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ERDDAP tools and tutorials

Posted on Wed 06 March 2024 in FOSS • Tagged with software, foss, oceanography, ERDDAP, erddapy

Various ERDDAP resources I have created, contributed to or found useful

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Useful online resources

Posted on Tue 24 October 2023 in FOSS • Tagged with software, foss, oceanography, web, geospatial, tutorial, reading, resource

A collection of online resources I may or may not have gotten round to reading

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Analyse web logs

Posted on Sat 17 June 2023 in FOSS • Tagged with software, foss, oceanography, web, logs, python, polars

Parsing web log files to gain insight into visitors to our ERDDAP server

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Leaflet maps with Python-flask

Posted on Mon 25 April 2022 in FOSS • Tagged with python, maps, flask, automation, front-end

Creating interactive maps using Python-flask and leaflet

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Automation for oceanographers

Posted on Fri 07 January 2022 in FOSS • Tagged with linux, bash, software, optimise, oceanography, cruise, bandwidth

Writing hacky scripts for oceanography

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Erddapy griddap support

Posted on Wed 18 August 2021 in FOSS • Tagged with software, foss, oceanography, gsoc

Supporting gridded dataset access via erddapy

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Gliderpy first release

Posted on Wed 11 August 2021 in FOSS • Tagged with software, foss, oceanography, gsoc

The journey of an open source oceanography package

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Summer of Code

Posted on Mon 17 May 2021 in FOSS • Tagged with software, foss, gsoc

How have I become a programmer?

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Packaging Python

Posted on Wed 17 February 2021 in FOSS • Tagged with FOSS, Python, tutorial

How to package your Python code to PyPI and conda-forge

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Shell games

Posted on Fri 02 October 2020 in FOSS • Tagged with linux, bash, software, optimise

Excerpts from my .bashrc and shell scripts

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Why you (yes, you!) should take part in a hackathon

Posted on Tue 25 August 2020 in FOSS • Tagged with academia, FOSS, hack, oceanography

Recounting my experience at Oceanhackweek 2020

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Steal this website

Posted on Tue 16 June 2020 in FOSS • Tagged with pelican, publishing, academia

How to build this website

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