My income

In the interests of transparency, inspired by George Monbiot, I publish and update my salary here. Studies indicate that pay transparency is a key tool in combatting unequal pay. Universities are not exempt from the gender pay gap.


In my role as data scientist at VOTO, I receive 58 200 SEK/month. This is equivalent to 700 000SEK/£54,000/$69,000 per year at current exchange rates. This high salary is partly a consequence of my migration status. To work in Sweden I require a blue card, a visa aimed at attracting high skill professionals to fill a labour market gap. The eligibility for this card includes a high minimum salary threshold.

I pay around 35 % in taxes to the Swedish government, and an additional 5 % on my UK student loan repayments. This leaves me with ~ 420 000SEK/£32,000/$41,000 in take home pay.

I am a member of Naturvetarna union, the union for science graduates in Sweden. This provides many benefits (unemployment cover, health insurance, access to employment statistics) as well as supporting other workers in my sector. There is evidence that unions reduce gender and racial pay gaps ([1] [2]).

Previous positions

2017-2021 I received the minimum UKRI PhD stipend of £15,300/$19,700/199 000SEK per annum. This scholarly income is not subject to tax.

This income was supplemented by the work teaching and assisting in class at UEA. This typically earned me around £750/$970/9 800SEK per annum. The best paid work was designing and delivering introductory Python courses to other grad students and staff.

During January and February 2021, I took a two month break from my PhD. During these months I worked as a technician Grade 6 in the Seaglider facility at UEA. I was paid £13.90 / hour, equivalent to an annual salary of £30,000/$38,600/391 000SEK. I returned to the Seaglider facility during July and August of 2021.

During my PhD I was a member of the University and Colleges Union.


You can read a short article on the pros and cons of publishing salaries here. The practice is becoming more common, in some countries it is mandatory. This is the case in Sweden, you can get a copy of anyone's tax returns from the government and deduce their income from it. I'd rather make it as easy as possible.


In 2023 I bought a flat in Gothenburg, Sweden with a down payment of 750 000SEK/£58,000/$74,000 and a bank loan of 2 400 000SEK/£180,000/$240,000 I was only able to do this with financial assistance of £30,000/391 000SEK/$38,600 from my parents. I expect to pay my mortgage off in 50 years time, as is common in Sweden.

I have a workplace pension and ~ 120 000SEK/£9,000/$12,000 invested in index funds. Though tbh retirement seems pretty unlikely on a burning planet.

I hold £500/6 500SEK/$640 in non-profit bearing community shares in The Locks Inn Community Pub Limited. This is a successful community takeover of a well loved local pub.

I have £45,000/586 000SEK/$57,900 of student debt in the UK. Currently the interest rate of 7 % means my repayments do not even cover the interest.


I sporadically give to causes including humanitarian relief, medical aid, refugee shelters, local food redistribution/waste reduction efforts, union strike funds, rewilding initiatives, mutual aid and individuals in need. I am not presently giving regularly, except for my union dues. I have previously applied a version of effective altruism to my charitable giving, inspired by Peter Singer. As of 2020 I no longer align with this philosophy. I am particularly opposed to the silicon valley "longtermist" sub-movement.


I currently volunteer at:

  • solikyl: An organisation redistributing food that would be thrown out by bakeries and shops to anyone who wants it
  • cykelkoket Gothenburg: An open workshop where anyone can learn to fix their bike

I have been volunteering with food redistribution groups and bike kitchens since 2016 in Utrecht, Southampton, Norwich and Gothenburg.

First published June 2020

Last updated October 2024

Currency conversion using this python script and Currency conversion perfomed on 2025-03-11 .